Lead Organisation
River Thame Conservation Trust (RTCT)
Partner Organisations
- Environment Agency
- Defra (Farming in a Protected Landscape)
- Atkins
- Chiltern Conservation Board
- Risborough Environment Group
- Watlington Environment Group
- Watlington Climate Action Group
- Chiltern Rangers
- Chiltern Farm Cluster
- Babylon Plants
- Cuddesdon Mill Village Anglers Association
- Amenity Water Management
- Lofthouse Wildlife
Project Description
The RTCT have developed a strategy (2022-2026) for the eight scarp chalk stream tributaries in the River Thame catchment to help address Water Framework Directive challenges.
This sets out in-stream, riparian and floodplain initiatives to improve habitats, connectivity (fish passage) and river health in these unique environments, with the ultimate objective of reintroducing chalk stream species (e.g. brown trout and water vole) to tributaries where they no longer exist.
The work ranges from small scale volunteer events building natural habitat structures, natural flood management data gathering (eDNA, water quality, flow) of chalk stream polluters and engagement with polluters, regulators and abstractors to promote large scale fish passage and constructed wetland construction.
Project Location
The project area covers all chalk scarp streams in the River Thame catchment.
Contribution to Big Chalk
The RTCT-led strategy covers many aspects of the Big Chalk vision, specifically around chalk streams, chalk catchments and riparian areas.
It prioritises nature recovery and will help wildlife adapt to climate change.
It will also deliver water quality, flood management, soil stabilisation and public health and wellbeing benefits, including working with volunteer groups.
Do you have a project that could strengthen the future of southern England’s iconic chalk and limestone landscapes?
The Big Chalk programme brings together a dynamic suite of partner-led projects, each unique in its focus, area, and partnerships but sharing a commitment to our collective vision.
If your project contributes to the Big Chalk mission, we invite you to register it as a Big Chalk Project. Registered projects gain access to networking, shared learning, and best practice—alongside the Big Chalk brand, boosting your profile and connecting you to a powerful, growing network of partners.
Together, these projects form a united effort to secure the future of southern England’s chalk and limestone landscapes, making a lasting impact for nature and communities.